Meet The


October 10, 2019


Head of Anti-Bribery and Corruption (ABC) at Commerzbank

Anne-Christine Wegener is the Head of Anti-Bribery and Corruption (ABC) at Commerzbank, where she and her team manage an ABC framework including anti-corruption policies, risk analysis, mitigating measures and training, as well as business partner due diligence.

Prior to joining the financial sector, Anne-Christine was an Advisor for sectoral anti-corruption with GIZ in Eschborn. She also has extensive expertise in the not-for-profit sector, where she managed Transparency International’s Defence and Security Programme in London for five years. She has co-authored a book on corruption (“Unmasked-Corruption in the West”) and is based in Frankfurt.

About the


Commerzbank AG is a major German bank operating as a universal bank, headquartered in Frankfurt am Main. In the 2019 financial year, the bank is the second largest in Germany by the total value of its balance sheet.

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